Nar Ouse Regeneration, Kings Lynn

The Nar Ouse regeneration project is transforming the western approach to King's Lynn, re-connecting the town with its riverine and fenland setting in a dramatic, contemporary way.

Sheils Flynn won a national competition to develop a masterplan for the regeneration of this vast brownfield site just to the south of King's Lynn's historic town centre and subsequently worked with a multidisciplinary team to develop a development framework. The £2.5M infrastructure landscape is a linear connector, interfacing with all the development areas. Links with the town centre and adjacent community of South Lynn take the form of vistas, new roads, new bridges, a community centre and new pedestrian and cycle routes. At the heart of the scheme, a dramatic riverside park re-introduces local people to a river which has, until now, been relatively inaccessible and virtually ignored. Set within the floodplain, the park incorporates walkways, bridges and decks to provide new wetland habitats and recreational access to the water's edge.

Kings Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council

Morston Assets Ltd.

LSI Architects (Architecture)

WSP (Engineering)
Irene Rogan (Artist)
Penny Anderson Associates (Ecology)
WT Partnership (QS)

< visioning and funding bids >