Landscape planning
Rackheath, Norwich

Exemplar landscape-led masterplanning for a new sustainable community on a former World War II airfield, to the north-east of Norwich

Sheils Flynn has contributed to several phases of masterplanning on this former eco-community site, including proposals submitted for a sustainable housing competition (Rackheath Exemplar). North Rackheath is now allocated for development in the Local Plan and Sheils Flynn prepared the landscape strategy for the current integrated masterplan. The earlier schemes demonstrate how this major development can slot seamlessly into the wider landscape pattern, echoing the ordered geometry of the fields and axial alignment of the former runways at a more domestic scale.  In the Exemplar proposals, every m² of land is carefully designed for multiple uses: neighbourhood roads are used for access, parking, children's play, water storage and as sociable meeting places and the principal routes double as community orchards.

Barratt Strategic, Building Partnerships Ltd., Manor Farm Rackheath

2012 and 2016

For the Rackheath Exemplar

LSI Architects (Architects)

ENiMS (Ecology)
Davis Langdon (Cost Consultant)
CgMs (Planning)
MDS Transmodal (Transport Planning)
TA Millard (Engineering)

For the 2016 masterplan

Terence O'Rourke (masterplanners)

Landscape planning
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