Newfound Farm, Norwich

A masterplan for new housing extends green infrastructure connections between existing and new developments, conserving the landscapes of the Yare River Valley and enhancing the setting of Cringleford and the Norwich Research Park.

The layout of the new neighbourhood is carefully integrated with the pattern of local landscapes and the natural topography of the site. It reflects the distinctive character of many traditional Norfolk villages, which is based on a sequence of inter-connected greens. Key existing ecological connections along boundaries and hedgerows are conserved and incorporated within a creative masterplan which treats the new landscape as a productive part of the development, providing the resources a community needs - right on its doorstep. The green infrastructure links across the site incorporate an extended mosaic of allotments, orchards, meadows and woodlands. The character of the landscape becomes more formal, with larger public squares, parks and children's play facilities, as it threads between individual development areas.

Barratt Strategic

Approx 2,000 units

Building Design partnerships (Development Co-ordinator)
Low Carbon Living Design Ltd (Architect)
Aecom (Engineering)
CgMs (Planning Adviser)
The Ecology Consultancy (Ecology Treecare Consulting (Arboriculture)

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