River Adur
Adur Landscape Studies

Advice on landscape and visual assessment issues and related Local Plan policy to inform evaluation of potential development sites within Adur District's two Local Green Gaps

Adur District has limited space for future development and the two remaining areas of countryside - the Local Green Gaps - are under intense development pressure. Sheils Flynn has worked with the Council over 4 years, preparing a suite of landscape evaluation studies which are the evidence for judgements about landscape character, landscape sensitivity and variations in visibility from key public viewpoints.  In some cases, this work has included indicative layouts which show how development could be accommodated with minimal negative landscape, visual and biodiversity impacts. Overall the aim is to strike the best possible balance between providing development to meet local need and conserving local landscape character and the identity of  the settlements on the edges of the Local Green Gaps so as to prevent their coalescence.

Adur District Council

River Adur
strategic policy and planning >