Stour Valley
Ashford Green & Blue Grid Strategy

Ashford's Green & Blue Grid Strategy defines a sustainable green infrastructure network, describes why it is important and provides a proactive and creative plan of action for ongoing investment in its conservation, management and development

As a major growth point, Ashford is set to expand by an additional 31,000 homes within the next 24 years. The town's attractive landscape setting and green grid links are valuable assets which have the potential to reinforce local identity, shaping the character of existing neighbourhoods and future development. The Green & Blue Grid has been developed using a combination of GIS mapping, stakeholder consultation and fieldwork. It prioritises a linked network of multi-functional green spaces across the borough, but with a more detailed analysis of the town of Ashford. It is accompanied by an Action Plan to plan, design, deliver and manage future investment. A key challenge is to integrate design principles for access, biodiversity and landscape enhancement at every scale, from a car park swale to the green infrastructure for a new urban extension.

Ashford Borough Council

October 2008
Stour Valley
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