Parkland vista from Denston Hall
Denston Hall, Suffolk
A contemporary parkland landscape which respects and reinterprets the past
Denston Hall is a grade II listed C18 building set within a designed parkland landscape on the undulating southern slopes of the River Glem valley. The purchase of farmland to the south and west has prompted this study, which explores ideas for evolving and extending Denston Park to create a more sustainable and inspiring contemporary parkland. It is an opportunity to transform a relatively sterile arable landscape into a richly diverse parkland, with a mosaic of valuable habitats and a carefully composed set of new routes, vistas and sculptural landmarks which are sited to engage and inspire. The proposals incorporate concept plans to develop a reservoir in a small tributary valley and a new dwelling on the site of a former historic farmstead. Both would contribute to the suite of vistas, landmarks, routes and features that enrich the new parkland. 

Private residence

Parkland vista from Denston Hall
< visioning and funding bids >